Letter to Editor Volume 3, No.1 & 2

Dear Crusader
I thankfully acknowledge copies of Ghadar Jari Hai in Hindi & English. Your journal is well suited to Indian society if viewed through culture and climate. Please publish complete address of authors in journal so that readers may interact with the authors also. This will break the fetters of slavery and imperialism.

Dear Crusader
I thankfully acknowledge copies of Ghadar Jari Hai in Hindi & English. Your journal is well suited to Indian society if viewed through culture and climate. Please publish complete address of authors in journal so that readers may interact with the authors also. This will break the fetters of slavery and imperialism.

I wish you success in the mission of establishing a system wherein prosperity of everyone and injustice to none be ensured as shown in the Geeta.

Thank You
Yours Sincerely,
Raj Kiran Satyanweshyarjak
Socio-economic Radiologist & Research Scholar
I.S.M., Dhanbad – 826004

Dear Editor,
I was very happy to read the “Gadar jari hai”. The treatment of the issues is well constructed. Many of us in India have unfortunately been stuffed with an idea of history that is Eurocentric. This affects us deeply and in ways often not recognized such as a persistent lack of pride in our ways. For example, I was recently discussing the fact that Indian businesses regularly implement projects at the lowest cost compared to world standards, immediately there is a cynical voice that says, “but, what about quality?”. I argue the quality aspects and he says “but, we are a corrupt government, we will never improve”!! The fact that we have been world leaders in many areas such as maritime trade and science and technology is not well known. Most Indians are proud to talk about “Indian Culture” by which they mean dance, music and architecture. I am sure your magazine and your movement will help to change this skewed idea we have of ourselves.

Raghu Ananthnarayanan
& Sumedhas, The Academy for Human Context

The Editor
Ghadar Jari Hai
I had an opportunity to go through the article, Modernizing Modernity, written by Shri Shivanand Kanavi, published in Ghadar Jari Hai, Vol. II, No.3, July-September 2008. The author has systematically analysed the modernizing process through various stages like (i) birth of modernization in the West and its consequences in the form of capitalism and colonialism in 18th and 19th centuries, (ii) establishment of socialist system in Russia to eliminate capitalism brought out by modernization process in the West in the early part of the 20th century, (iii) introduction of tools of modernization by Pt. Nehru in India in the middle of the 20th century and their good and evil effects in the post Nehru era, (iv) degeneration of egalitarian/scientific socialism into Communist oligarchy in the latter part of the 20th century in Russia.

The author suggests need for alternative paradigm for Indian society based on certain values like equity, non-hierarchical, caring, individual and collective societal interests. It would have been better if the author had given outlines of his concept of alternative society for India.

It is difficult to make out the meaning of the title of the article, Modernising Modernity. Though the author has explained the tools of modernization, he has not elucidated the title of his article.

Though the tools of modernity may change with changing conditions, modern outlook will have to be always concerned with basic human values like human compassion, human dignity, liberty, equality, egalitarian society, etc., which have been championed by the ancient stoics in the West, the Vachanakaras (Socio-religious and economic revolutionaries in the 12th century in Karnataka), Karl Marx, Gandhiji, etc.

Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely
Professor of Political Science (Retd.)
Karnatak University, Dharwad

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