Unearthing valuable examples from the pages of Tamil history, S Raghavan vividly illustrates the respect for plurality and right to conscience that existed in ancient
Year: 2009
What the contours of the legal system in India were in pre-colonial times and how British colonialism altered it to its detriment has great relevance
Public Meeting in Homage to Shaheed Madan Lal Dhingra A martyr to the independence struggle in the sub-continent.
Madhavi Thampi tells us about an episode in the history of colonialism that enraged Indians abroad and in India for the callous and discriminatory treatment
In these excerpts from a paper by G N Ramachandran, the author explains the significance of Indian multivalued logic to epistemological issues which release the
Uma Seth takes us on a journey across the seas over the dreaded Kala Paani to the Cellular Jail of the Andamans where thousands of
Salvinder Dhillon searches for answers to the cause of poverty in his motherland from the perspective of a first generation youth raised in the UK.
Pradip reviews two new books on the history and products of ancient Indian iron and steel technology.
Dear Crusader I thankfully acknowledge copies of Ghadar Jari Hai in Hindi & English. Your journal is well suited to Indian society if viewed through
S Raghavan introduces us to the work of Nammalwar one of the earliest and most respected Bhakti poets of India.